1. Marie Callendar pot pies require a strip of aluminum foil around the crust. The circumference of the pot pie is exactly one inch larger than the length of my aluminum foil.
2. I suck at aluminum foil.
3. I will eat almost anything that goes appropriately with mustard. I prefer pretzels but if I must resort to say, corn dogs or hot dogs, I know no shame.
4. Pregnancy causes your immune system to become depressed. I think mine must be downright suicidal. If someone sneezes in the next county, I will become infected.
5. Car seat manufacturers in this country assume that every parent drives an SUV. I have had to reconsider my top three choices for car seats because the base of the seat will not fit the Prius.
6. Babies R Us is designed specifically to drive already-hormonally fragile women over the edge by overwhelming them with sheer volume of Stuff they put on your registry checklist. Although I'm looking forward to playing with the scanner. I'm registering at both BRU and Amazon; I suspect the prices and availability of stuff is better at Amazon, but I get a super cool discount at BRU on stuff that's left on my registry after my due date. Great for things like larger sized clothes and older baby toys!
7. Pregnancy intensifies personality. If you're pretty laidback normally, you become sentimental and maudlin and cry over dog food commercials (not that I know anyone like this...). If you're easily upset, you become a raging bitch and feel perfectly justified in blaming your nastiness on your pregnancy. If you're critical of the lifestyle of others, you feel absolutely free to voice your opinion of said lifestyle in a manner for which normal people (or the sentimental and maudlin variety) want to find you and wash your mouth out with soap. Preferably soap with exfoliating beads.
7a. I mean, seriously. Does it really matter if someone else prefers prefolds to pocket diapers? Or will be using tap water instead of filtered water to mix formula? Or will have relatives over to help with the baby after he or she is born? Do women who breastfeed really deny their husbands an important bonding experience? These are honest-to-goodness things pregnant women argue about, and call other women "selfish," "materialistic," "spoiled," "apathetic and uncaring," and I could go on.
8. Buying maternity jeans one size up for "comfort" is a bad idea. I now have jeans that want to fall off my hips because I do not yet have the tummy to hold them up. If I bought my right size, at least my bum would have acted as a stopgap.
9. Ivan is awesome at pregnant. Seriously. He has been a real trooper and source of strength. He reels me in when I need it and takes very tender care of my tummy. He reminds me to rest, take my vitamins, and eat the right food. And he sang the Indiana fight song to the tummy this weekend. Pretty awesome stuff.
10. It's finally getting real. My stomach is filling out and getting hard. I'm almost afraid to say this, but I think I've been feeling flutters. Last night, Ivan was poking my stomach and saying, "Come out and play!" and right after he quit, I felt a "thump." I can't wait to see his face in another month when he can feel it, too.
I'm sure there's more, but ten is good for now.
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