Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two Months and a Day.

Makes me all gooshy inside.

And so our friend the right-hand cyst has arrived... finally, the other bump on Ivan Jr's bum came to the surface and, with a vengeance, grew to epic proportion.  So I called his pediatrician practice, Zaman Pediatrics, and "met" Dr. Zaman for the first time over the phone an hour later.  She had his record in hand and agreed that putting him back on the Bactrim, with Bactroban topically applied, and plenty of hot compresses would do the trick.  She called the prescription in to the pharmacy and Kate, who was visiting at the time, picked it up for me.

So easy, so hassle-free, and so fast.  I love our pediatricians. 

We still don't love Bactrim - the taste or the effect.  I won't go into details, but I'm about to take a friend's suggestion and add Culturelle to his 2 oz bottle that he gets every night.  All the stuff he hates covered up by Similac.  It's almost like a baby cocktail - 1 teaspoon gripe water, 1 ml Poly-Vi-Sol, 3/4 teaspoon Bactrim, fill with water to 2 oz, add one scoop formula, and shake well.  Strain and serve with a paper umbrella. 

The good news is that with the hot compresses and prompt attention, Mr. Cyst is already exiting the building with no fanfare and much relief.

Why, yes - most of my pictures ARE of the Ivans.  Because I control the camera.  But I loved this shot of my bamboo that I've managed to keep alive for a couple years, now.  That's some kind of a record for me.

I can't wait until the 23rd - our next appointment - to get Ivan Jr's official weight and length.  I measured him at 15+ pounds (couldn't figure out the ounces on an analog scale) at 7 weeks, but I can't get him straightened out to measure his length.  I'm pretty sure he's at least 2 feet long now and likely 16 pounds or more.

And just because I know grandparents read this blog, here's more picture goodness:

Although I won't lie, this shot is the one that makes me giggle:

BUBBULZ!!!  Now admit it, you smiled.

So, lessee... milestones...

He is holding his head up almost all the time, now, so that when he does the flop forward and butts me in the mouth, splitting my lip, it always surprises me.

He's sleeping mostly through the night, most nights.  He does his final feeding of the eve at 10:30ish and sleeps til 6ish.  Last night he was out by 10p and up at 5:30a.  I can handle that routine.  We took Savannah to work this morning at 8ish and he napped the whole way.

He scoots when he is on his tummy, and although he hasn't figured out the knees yet, he wants to crawl big time.

He smiles, giggles rarely and unexpectedly, and occasionally talks to us.

He still hates naps.

He doesn't mind tummy time, though.  And he loves him some airplane and space baby time with Daddy.

His laparoscopy scars are healing nicely:

I can still feel the scar tissue underneath the healed skin, but as he gets bigger, they will get smaller.  We have a follow-up appointment with the surgical clinic on the 25th.  He should be happy to see more doctors, since his 2 months' checkup and vaccinations are that Wednesday.  Busy week for mama and son.

I will leave you with more baby goodness, and hopefully now that I've figured out how to get the kid to zonk for an hour (the swing is magic), future updates will be more regular.

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