Thursday, August 26, 2010

Our Child Is A Beast.


So, our visit with our new pediatrician went very well; while no one can replace the superhero that is Dr. Danelle, we do like Dr. Brittany (both last names are Wilson, so we differentiate thusly).  First, the stats!

Weight:  18 pounds, 11.5 ounces (yes, I include that half-ounce, my back feels it!) - this is 95th percentile
Head Circumference: 44-something cm, also 95th percentile
Length;  28.5 inches - this was off the chart for his age.

If he has no talent for basketball, I will be convinced the universe is out to get me.

Officially, he is in the 99th percentile for height.  I was sorta prepared for this, because I've already started hip-carrying him, and I was thinking it was a bit early to do that (remembering my time with the girls).  Most people do guess him at 6 months, which is where he is developmentally in many respects - sitting unsupported, standing balanced while holding onto something, the strength of his arms - and while he does not yet scoot, crawl, or roll over, Dr. Brittany said, "That's because he doesn't have to; he's already able to reach and grab and enjoys the vantage view."

Not that I had secret fears about our kid being slow.  Yes, I know, it's silly.  But I did, because I am convinced that my hubris over our wunderbaby is going to bite me in the ass and he will not be reading until he is 10 and will be in diapers til he's five.  So it's good to have the affirmation that he is hitting milestones, just out of order.

The other thing we have started, although I swore up and down that I wasn't going to do this until he hit 5 or 6 months, is oatmeal.

Well, okay.  When I swore that, I did not have a child whose growth was off the charts.  So I think I should be allowed a pass.

So, yes - we have a teaspoon of oatmeal mixed with 2.5 teaspoons of milk twice daily.  I will hopefully get some pictures of the fun time that is feeding time when Ivan is home on the weekend; I cannot for the life of me hold a baby sitting on the dining room table (I honestly wasn't expecting to need a high chair this early, so I sit him on the table and kinda hold him with one hand, because when he gets excited - and he does get excited - he forgets himself and loses his balance), the food, and a camera at the same time.  Not to mention I suspect he wears more oatmeal than he actually swallows, and this means that I, too, wear oatmeal.  We are both a sticky mess when all is done, and the camera does not need a shellac of baby drool and mush.

I now remember why most parents bathe babies in the evening.

I promise pictures will be forthcoming this weekend (barring disaster) - I need to charge the battery, and the little prince is awakening from his (hooray!) nap.  This means it's tummy time, singing, and space baby all afternoon for us.

I couldn't be happier.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I know... it's been far too long.  In my defense, I've had a busy month to date.  I was sick for the week leading up to my surgery on the 11th (just outpatient surgery to move stuff back where it needs to be after the kiddo moved it all around on his way out), then recuperating, and then Ivan Jr got sick (well, both Ivans did, but Ivan Sr requires far less of my care than the younger).  Sadly, I am recovered and am making no more antibodies, so the poor little guy suffers patiently.  Well, mostly patiently.

So!  Updates and pictures!

I thought this was a cute "Then and Now" type thing:

Then (5 days old)

Now (14 weeks)
We've been very busy growing, as you can see.  Our next appointment is on Monday, and I promise faithfully to provide the official height and weight update posthaste.


The kid has been blowin' through 'em left and right; just when I think he's a bit behind, he catches up and surpasses expectation.  I told Ivan Sr last week that I was concerned about his lack of vocabulary; I started singing to him and talking more, and yesterday he finally started really talking back.


Here's the really big one:

Sitting Up
Yes.  He is sitting up mostly by himself.  We plop him down on his padded behind and he will sit up happily, by himself, for a good five or ten minutes at a time.  I think this is to make up for not rolling over or scooting; he will do tummy time and pushes himself all the way up on his hands, but he much prefers sitting or standing.

That right there is the absolute cutest butt in the whole wide world.

I do believe rolling will not be terribly far behind, as his feet are often in action:

And he has actually discovered them:

While he can only get them in his mouth at present with a little help (bad Mommy), I'm sure the day won't be far behind that he explores them on a regular basis in his favorite fashion:

Taste is my world.

As you can see, he now uses both hands to grab things.  Every things.  Any things.  He is currently frustrated by the mean Mommy who will not let him explore a.) her glasses; b.) her cell phone; c.) the remote control, or d.) her computer keyboard.  Well, okay - I did let him play with the last, but he keeps shutting down my browser and trying to exit Windows, so I had to negotiate control of the keyboard.  Might makes right; I'm not proud but I am adamant.

So he "talks," grabs things with both hands, sits up, scoots around on his elbows but only in circles, plays with his toes, plays with my toes, plays with the dog's toes (which are apparently tasty - Roger is such a GOOD dog), has finally decided he loves the jumparoo (pictures of that coming later), and is at his cutest when the camera is in the other room.  Except this time:

Well, okay - and this time:

Say somethin'.  Go on.
And... this time.

Update next week, without fail (well, barring unforeseen catastrophe; I don't want to jinx myself).  Stats to be included!