Friday, October 15, 2010

We have Teeth!

And no pictures of them, because they are the bottom ones, and every time I try to show them off, he sticks his tongue out and covers them.  I could take a picture of them when he is angry, but it's not a flattering look, and he'd be mortified in years to come.

Daddy still gets the big laughs
 These were taken a couple days before The Arrival Of The Tooth.

Climbing Mount Daddy

And this was the morning of The Tooth:

I'm trying to be happy...
Followed on Wednesday the 6th by the arrival of The Second Tooth.

So we have two teeth!  He's still a bit drooly and wants to eat everything, but a close examination of his gums one angry day leads me to believe we have some time to wait before the arrival of the next set.  And hopefully he'll continue to pop 'em out in pairs.

Things To Know About Ivan Dean Jr

  • His back is very ticklish and guaranteed to provoke a giggle when stroked lightly
  • He loves peaches in his mesh feeder almost as much as honeydew
  • Watermelon is a close third
  • If the bath temperature is plus or minus 3 degrees from ideal, he will let you know.  Loudly.
  • He has the biggest crush on Nigella Lawson
    • Seriously.  He hears her voice and whips around.  As soon as she's on screen, he smiles as if his heart was melting.
  • All the toys are belong to him.  But he will share if asked nicely
  • He does not like baby fruit purees, but he will eat sweet potatoes from a jar if he absolutely must
  • Fruit leather is a huge hit, but he fights for possession of it, so it is a rare treat
  • He absolutely, always has to fuss a little before falling asleep in his crib.  Even if he's already asleep.
    • This drives me nuts.  
  • He awakes from his feet up:
 and then the blanket needs to be played with:

Two seconds from meltdown

  • He boycotted the jumparoo for longer than 2 minutes at a time until today.
I love jumping!
  •  He sometimes wakes up sunnily... and sometimes not:
I'm still in the chair?  
  •  And upon awakening, wants OUT of the chair like, two minutes ago:
I have a six-pack from trying to break out, people.
  •  His hair has not made up its mind as to color:
Hello, Mommy. 
 But we're pretty sure his eyes have:

I'm really not cross-eyed.
So, still the most amazing baby in the world... oh, and he's officially 20 pounds now.  Next week we'll get another weight and length as he has his 6-month check up.  I know, I can't believe it's been six months, either.  We have shots and find out if it's time to add in lunch and meats to his menu.  I inadvertently gave him dairy, and he didn't handle it well, so he may be lactose intolerant; then again, it may be that his little digestion system wasn't prepared for it.  Either way, we will not try dairy again for a few more months. 

Now that he's got his teeth, he seems to be doing better with naps, and I hope that means more time for updates more frequently - I will do my best to post the 6-month check-up stats posthaste!

Ed:  It would help if, after writing this, I pressed "publish post" instead of "save now."  I wondered why it didn't publish to my Google Buzz feed.  I'm sorry!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

And Now It's October!

But not too October, so I'm okay.

I can't believe I have no idea where the camera is right now, but I'm sure I'll find it tomorrow.  I just had a few minutes to post and BY GOLLY thought, "I better take advantage of this!"  Because otherwise, I may not have the time anytime soon.  So, no pictures, but update!

And, you ask, how IS the little prince?

Smashing.  He's growing so much.  In fact, we'll be needing a new car seat a couple months sooner than I'd anticipated, since his feet are almost at the end of his current one (and that spells trouble).  He is currently wearing mostly 9-month and 12-month -sized clothing and fills my lap when we snuggle.  And he's a good snuggler.

He's also a (very) good eater.  He likes orange vegetables (except carrots, but I think the baby ones we have aren't as sweet as the regular ones, so we will revisit), papaya, mango (when mixed with his cereal; otherwise he's not fond of the texture), avocado (mixed with papaya or cereal), and his brown rice cereal.  On the menu for the coming week we have white pumpkin (slightly different taste), sweet dumpling squash, and kiwi.  Oh, and spinach mixed with something, probably pumpkin since he loves it so much.  Trying new foods is fun!

One of the new foods that we accidentally tried that wasn't so fun was a bit of cream... in Mommy's zucchini soup.  He was watching my spoon like a hawk and drooling, so I thought, "It's zucchini!  Good for little princes everywhere!"  And fed it to him.  And he loved it.

Until the stomach pain began.

So the odds are pretty good that he, like his father, eldest paternal uncle, and eldest sister, is lactose intolerant.  There's an off chance that his stomach simply wasn't ready for dairy, but honestly, that's a long shot in my book, with his family history.  If we're lucky, at some point he'll be able to tolerate yogurt and cheese, and if not, well... there's goat's milk and Lactaid.

What else... he seems to be suffering from a touch of reflux, which he will likely outgrow.  But he has this wheezing thing he does and he also still spits up a little bit right before meal times (which is a sign of active stomach acid).  And his pediatrician said, "It's likely aggravated by those two teeth coming in."

Say what?

But yes.  He finally is cutting teeth and, in true Ivan fashion, doing two at a time.  His bottom front ones.  They're not out yet, and we can't really take pictures because every time we try to get him to open his mouth he licks our fingers or sticks his tongue out and covers the little darlings.  But when he is upset (meaning, screaming his head off), you can totally see that the gums are swollen, white, and the right one is almost completely through. 

Very exciting. 

Although I do love his little toothless grin.  And I'm not really ready for him to be so grown up.  But time waits for no mommy.

Arthritis is starting to get the best of me, so I will close here with a promise of more pictures forthcoming.