So, we had our nuchal translucency screening on Friday the 9th October. And this is what we saw...
Yes, a sleeping baby. Kiddo was not interested in being awake at 8:30 A.M. The head and arm (curled kinda under the head) are to the left and the rump is to the right; child is faced away from the nasty ultrasound waves.
After much jiggling of my belly and having me turn on my side, we got this:
Which the ultrasound tech labeled, "Hi guys!!!" But Ivan and I know it really was more of a, "Mmmph... go 'way, I'm sleeping!" type wave.
Finally, kiddo cooperated and gave us this:
And we were able to take the necessary measurements. We measured a 1.5mm fold, which was well within normal range (anything under 2mm is considered normal). Kiddo was also 7.5 cm long (3 inches) and had a heart rate of 154.
We'll be going back to our regular clinic for our monthly checkup on the 27th October (at 16 weeks) and then! We'll have our wicked cool Level II ultrasound... on Ivan's birthday! We'll be 19 and a half weeks. In addition to cool measurements and possible gender identification, I'll be finishing up the integrated screening with another donation of my precious blood. About a week or two after that, we'll get back the results, and have an idea if any genetic abnormalities will be popping up.
Since the tendency with the NT scan is toward false positives - meaning the fold measures abnormally high - I'm already feeling pretty good about our odds.
I'm over the queasiness! And I'm starting to get some energy back. Still having shortness of breath, and my blood pressure is still going up - well, the systolic is, at 124 (it was 110 two weeks before getting pregnant); the diastolic is going back to my normal of 65-68. But I'm not as lightheaded. I just feel my heartbeat racing all the time. Very disconcerting.
I am also having problems sitting for long periods of time; my sciatica is flaring up when I do, and my hips and knees ache like mad. We went to see "Where the Wild Things Are" last night (loved it), and for the last half hour, I was in agony. By the time we got home, my entire lower body ached. I slept with a pillow between my knees and just focused on relaxing. When I woke, my pain was gone. So apparently, the hormones that cause your cartilage to soften are working just fine, and I just need to listen to my body... no sitting still for long periods of time.
Otherwise, things are good. Recent bizarre cravings have been: corned beef hash and eggs (seriously, who eats that anymore... besides me); taco shells (no filling, just the shell); and more mustard. Mustard? Can that much mustard possibly be healthy for me?
Will post again... sooner!
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