Ivan unsquished the baby! This is a picture from our NT ultrasound done on the 25th September. The baby was aged 11 weeks, 3 days, and was too small to have the screening for Down Syndrome done. So we'll be going back on the 9th October for that. All that really means to us is more free pictures!
Now, the appointment -- I did have a 12-week checkup on 29 September. All my labs were fine and I haven't gained any weight (which means I've lost some "bad" weight because I know I've gained some "good" weight, hurrah!). We were able to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler (remember those stethoscopes with the cone attached to them? So much more sophisticated now) and the doctor said all is well. He did say we have a 1 in 40 chance of having a child with birth defects, but Ivan and I have adopted a largely fatalistic attitude about that--if we do, we do, and there's really nothing we can do to change that right now, so why worry about it? We enjoyed our talk with Dr. Grillo, the second of 5 pediatricians who comprise our birth team. We'll meet the lady docs later, starting at the end of this month. Dr. Grillo was very enthusiastic about cord blood banking and its recent advances in application--which, if we truly do have an infant with congenital heart defects or other correctible issues, could be a lifesaver. Something for us to consider.
On to the mustard! I finally have had a "weird" craving. Yes, it's mustard. I confessed to Ivan the other night that I had to fight an urge to squeeze a healthy (or unhealthy) dollop directly from container into mouth. I did buy some frozen soft pretzels to cover with the stuff so I felt better (and prevented a stomach ache; have you ever eaten a teaspoon of mustard straight? Yick.) about my weirdness. Other than that, I've had what I think of as "food urges" which don't really count as cravings, because they're not outre, they're just stuff I'd like to eat. Things like fried chicken, or chili, or Chinese food--stuff I would normally want but don't indulge in too often because they're not terribly good for me.
And unfortunately, my queasiness is back. And did I mention the fatigue? My blood pressure was a bit higher than normal at my last appointment (although still in the normal range) although no one seems to be worried about it, as a combination of hormones and increased blood volume apparently will do that. But that and the constant tiredness keeps me from feeling quite the thing, particularly after any exertion, mild or otherwise. Very frustrating. My newest trick is getting up in the middle of the night to pee and being too nauseous to get back to sleep but too tired to get up. Marvelous, I must say.
I am trying to commit to more naps, although I feel guilty when I take them, and more small meals, to include salad and other fresh greens. I think both will help me feel a bit more like myself.
Other than that, I am loving tummy time--Ivan and I will snuggle of an evening with his hand on my expanding uterus, just rubbing gently, the both of us basking in the awe and wonder of what we have done. It is good.
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