Tuesday, March 16, 2010

36 Weeks, Walkies, and Ivan is Nesting.

Week 35 seemed to fly by for some reason, and I think it's because my appointments are now on Fridays - not on my "traditional" date of  Tuesday, which is when I officially mark another week off on the calendar.  Since appointment day is when I normally do the blog updates, I kinda decided to just wait the four days and do my update today, on the first day of Week 36.

The last appointment was fine - I'm measuring on track, I've actually lost a pound (which I can afford to do), and aside from the usual anemia, my labs are all looking good.  Dr. Haberstroh reassured me that my team is in no hurry; I won't be induced until 42 weeks unless it's obvious that the kiddo is ready and is just stuck.  That eased my mind - I don't want to rush Ivan Jr out of his home, and lots of the women on my pregnancy forum are already talking about their induction dates.  I'm okay with waiting however long our son needs to have mature lungs and eyes, and knowing that my medical team feels the same way is a relief.  I have been so happy with my care here.

So today is Week 36, and I'm not sure I'm ready, either logistically or emotionally.  It's hard to imagine I could be only 2 weeks away from a full-term and healthy delivery.  While we have most of the essentials needed, we still have painting to do in the nursery and the crib to set up.  And furniture to move around.  And... yeah.  Stuff to do.

And yes!  The crib!  I'm so happy about this - the Alexanders and Prescotts got together and bought us the crib, the mattress, mattress pad, and crib sheets... and I can't wait to set it up in the baby's room:

Our Crib 

From Amazon -
"The Dakota classic crib is the first Graco baby furniture to be eco friendly.  It is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). All wooden components are sustainable woods from responsibly managed forests and are certified to the standards of the FSC by the Rainforest Alliance Smart Wood Program. All finishes are water based and packaging is from recycled or recyclable materials."

It means a lot to us to have this particular crib, and because it's a convertible, our kiddo will be sleeping on it for a long time - which means it's also great to have the Sealy mattress we wanted.  Thank you guys so, so much.

We also received a $50 gift certificate for our registry on Amazon from my parents, which I've used to buy the aforementioned Snoogle (still one of the best purchases I've made) and another diaper cover for my stash - very important and useful, thank you so much.

We also have received a practically new playard from our friends Will and Jessie Carlson - a nicer Graco than the one I'd had on our registry!  So awesome to have something I can use in the living room while vacuuming, folding laundry, etc.  I'm not gonna lie, those stairs are kicking my butt right now, and any trip I don't have to make up or down is a good thing to me, particularly with a baby in my arms.  The playard has a bassinet and changing attachment, with a place to keep diapers and wipes.  How cool is that???  I know, it'd be even cooler if I'd thought to take a picture before I made a post, except my camera battery is currently dead.  Next time, I promise.

In other news, Kate called me yesterday with a need to let out some stress, so we took the dogs to the park.  She had Roger run our favorite bike/skate/walking path with her while Kinsey and I followed a bit more sedately.  Yes, I can still do a 1.15 mile circuit, albeit slowly.  Felt pretty empowering.  My legs feel fine today, although my pelvis is on fire - that just tells me I need to do this more often.  Kate has promised to take her mother for walkies at least once a week from here on out.

So we're getting there.  I should mention that I also visited our storage center one rainy day last week and retrieved the cradle that has been passed down by the Beckwiths:


Which will be residing in our bedroom for the first couple of months.   Ivan was going to move it in last night, but I had things piled in it.  He was crestfallen.  It's alright - I have other furniture for him to move first.  And he is in the process of matching bedding swatches to paint chips so we can get the nursery done.  Lots to do, and where did the last nine months go?  How did we get to the end with a frantic need to finish projects we knew needed doing?

But in a way, I like this - it's keeping me busy here and now when it would be too easy to dwell and become impatient and have these last few weeks go soooo slowly.  And we really have done things... getting the van fixed and the carpet cleaner fixed (which isn't; I tried to use it yesterday and it needs to go back to the shop).  Ivan's spent a couple Saturdays with his Habitat for Humanity homebuilding project, and I'm so proud of him for his involvement.  And he's had schoolwork and is really conscientious about his studying.  And still he's managed to get the walls repaired from Savannah's angsty teenage years, and sanded, and taped.  I've decided to let him do his thing with paint;  this way he doesn't contemplate smothering the mother of his child, and I don't hate all his color choices for being too dark.  We managed to compromise when we did the living room, and I love the results, but I've decided it's time for me to let go and just trust his very discerning eye.

It's so neat to watch him gearing up for the arrival of our child.  And to see him looking at my belly in awe and with pride.  And to go through classes and share Ivan Jr's movement and the little things I don't really care for, like only being able to sleep on my right side unless I want to be pummeled by unhappy baby.  And the things I do care for, like... our son loves music.  Vivaldi and Aerosmith.  Music from Opa Peter and from the Beatles.  And he appears to prefer mint chocolate chip ice cream to all others.  I for one am a fan of Rocky Road, but I can eat the green stuff if it keeps him happy.

Life is good.

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