Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Germs Need Not Apply.

We've had enough of your sort running through this house in the past two weeks.  First, there was the stomach bug that decimated us.  Next, Ivan the Elder brought home a nasty little head cold from his Habitat for Humanity stint. 

The Boy is still having trouble breathing through his nose.  His ped prescribed Claritin but it's not half as effective as Benadryl, so today that's what he got, along with much saline drops and aspiration.  Both of which he enjoys not so much at all.

His acid reflux is back, so he's on Zantac and for now additionally a probiotic - he's been having a lot of trouble lately and his pediatrician thinks it's because the stomach bug wiped out all his good bacteria.  I think he might have trouble with the soy milk, so we're trying - don't giggle - hemp milk for a little bit.  It's more easily digested, so while his flora is rebuilding itself, it should make things a bit more normal.  It seems to be doing the trick, but that could also just be the probiotic.  Who knows?  He can't tell me, so I must guess.  And I guess we'll finish out the probiotics and hemp milk and gradually reintroduce soy for him and cheese for me.

What's new?  Putting lids on things:

Yes, that's a glass candle.  No, I carefully did not get excited.  But wait!  Not only does the lid fit that candle, it fits this one...

Sort of.  I'm sorry to say, the breakable candle no longer resides on the hearth.  My nerves just couldn't take it.

Also at risk for exploration are the AV components that remained unmolested for so long...

And you may notice his "reorganization" of our videocassette collection.  This is a daily activity.  I'm waiting to see when he figures out that the latter gets inserted in the former.  We've only watched a few things (Baby Einstein videos from Auntie Liz) and he wasn't paying attention to the procedure, so I'm good.  For now.  No, I won't take bets on for how long.


In addition to his continued and increasingly more sophisticated need for parity - everything he does must include one item of identical or very similar persuasion in each hand (such as two cars, two crackers, two videocassettes, two candles) - he now is willing to negotiate.  He knows, "Drink some water first," "Drink your milk," "Fruit first, and then I'll give you the cracker," and responds to each.  Thank goodness; I'm not sure what I'd have done if he was prepared to out-stubborn me. 

He's switching between cruising platforms easily (table, sofa, me).  He's doing more crawling since we've been having races up and down the upstairs hallway.  He'd still rather do his inchworm thing; it's fast, it's efficient, and he's happy with it, so why change?  But every now and then he gets cross-locomotion.  Next year he will be in pre-school (Mother's Morning Out) with two other babies his age, so I'm hoping he'll learn as much from them as he has the toddlers with whom he currently plays on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

He's doing a LOT more babbling.  He still communicates with raspberries as much as with syllables, but he has several consonant sounds now - a few hard ones and a couple different sibilants - and he is clearly trying to develop language.  No Baby Signs yet, other than the one for milk (which he does on my chest, so I'm not sure that really counts?).  Sometimes he'll wave, sometimes he'll give high fives, but it's always on his terms and never with regularity.  He initiates games of peekaboo now, which he finds hilarious, and loves when all three of us get under the blanket.  He still hates to snuggle, because he'd rather be on the move, but every now and then I get hugs and kisses.  And do I live for those?  Indeed.

He's awake - I hear him muttering to himself in his crib.  When I go in, he'll be sitting up or kneeling with his hands on the top rail, smiling fit to burst.  I melt.

Even now.

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