Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How Long Is That In Dog Years?

Yesterday I hit 22 weeks of pregnancy, which is both longer and shorter than it sounds.  I feel like I can't remember not being pregnant, and yet April seems pretty far away.  Even though it's only four and a half months.

Trying to remember how pregnant I am isn't easy, either.  There's this weird thing that happens to months when you're pregnant.

Someone on the birth forums of which I am a part said that she was 6 months pregnant.  Now, her due date is after mine.  So I questioned this.  She said, "Learn to count;
1-4 weeks is month one,
5-8 weeks is month two,
9-12 weeks is month three,
13-16 weeks is month four,
17-20 weeks is month five,
21-24 weeks is month six,
25-28 weeks is month seven,
29-32 weeks is month eight,
33-36 weeks is month nine."

I said, "I can do math, too.  22/4 = 5.5 months pregnant."

But apparently it doesn't work that way, which is why I always feel cheated out of that tenth month for which I do not get credit.

Because 37 - 40 weeks is month ten, darnit... and I have never gone under 40 weeks.

Mama is willing to buy lots of Matchboxes for the kiddo that breaks the streak... just sayin'.


  1. Hi Katannah,

    I just wanted to say that I am so grateful for you; as the moderator of a board I so, so unfortunately cannot be a part of anymore, I feel so happy and blessed that someone cared enough about me from the board to want to continue to make the effort to have a - if I can say this - friendship with me. It means the world to me.

    So, thanks. :)


  2. Brie, I followed you a while back to your blog from our birth board, and I've loved getting to know you. Your strength and beauty amaze me. You are a testament to combating the evil of ED and my favorite example of the courage it takes to fight it daily. I admire the hell out of you. :-)

    And you're a fantastic mama and a really neat lady. I cried copiously when you said farewell to Kendall and it still tears me up when your post is revisited.

    Please do me the honor of considering me a friend. I love surrounding myself with kickass women. You fit the bill.
