Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jackson, or How To Break My Heart.

You should never see any dog in this condition.

Yeah.  Those are his hip bones.

And he's such a good dog.

Why?  Who could do this to such a lovey sweet boy?

I hate people.


  1. "Hello Alexanders," from your sister in Florida. I just heard the happy news, thanks to the parents' annual Christmas letter. CONGRATULATIONS!! So glad to read all is going well. I'm following your blog and looking forward to exciting updates. Maybe this will give me the inspiration to actually start writing the blog I set up last year (haha). Happy Holidays, and hugs all around!

  2. that breaks my heart. :( i think people who hurt or abuse animals should go to prison for a hella long time. glad he has you, now.

  3. K!!! So glad to be back in touch wif ya! Loved your Christmas card and I can't wait to see you again.

    Brie... I have issues about this whole situation. There's more. I'll blog on it soon. Thanks for being with me. <3
