Monday, August 31, 2009

Not Quite Week 8! Also, We Need A Scanner

We had our first appointment with the OB team today, and we loved it.  The office suite is very soothing, the patient room floors are woodgrained, and the doctor we met (Dr. Haberstroh) was a riot.  He started out asking us where we were born and teasing us mercilessly. 

First item of business was the ultrasound.  I was holding my breath while he rooted around looking for the little guy and all of a sudden, there it was!  I don't mind admitting I teared up a little bit.  Ivan had a great big grin on his face.  Dr. H. showed us the heartbeat and then told us that since Ivan was born in California, we had to worry about a congenital defect, and then made the little pinky sign that means "underequipped," which was why we couldn't tell the sex.  Ivan wasn't falling for it.

The little guy measured at 1.42 cm, which puts us at 7 weeks, 6 days.  I was supposed to be at 8 weeks, 3 days based on when I had my last monthly; but I had already told Ivan that was way too early.  By my calculations, we were at 6 weeks and 3-5 days.  So if we go off when I know we got pregnant, our little guy is slightly ahead of the growth curve already... which means a nicely thriving fetus.  And, I will add, two very relieved parents.

Our new due date is April 13th.

Dr. H. said I looked pretty good for an elderly gal.  Yes, it was good for a chuckle.  So hard to get used to thinking of myself that way, but we are considered part of the high risk group based solely on my age.  He felt that otherwise, blood work not withstanding, I was in fine shape for a healthy pregnancy.  He did seem to think a very large baby was possible, based on Kate and Savannah's birth weights (8 and over 9 pounds respectively), and was surprised that I didn't have gestational diabetes with Savannah.  My goal is to not have it with this one, either;  I'd already changed the way we eat shortly before we got pregnant, so with continued healthy food and hopefully, a return to my walking soon, I should be in good shape for things to come.

We'll have a Nuchal translucency screening in about three weeks to tell us the odds of having a baby with genetic defects.

So... we DO have ultrasound pictures, but we don't have a way to get them into the computer!  Ivan's scanner died a little while back and we haven't replaced it.  My digital camera is at the Nikon service center getting its USB port replaced.  So, much as I would love to share, we can't yet.

As soon as we can, we will!  If I can get them away from Ivan, that is... every time I said something about the baby, he'd pick the pictures up again and just grin at them.  It's adorable.


  1. Suzanne, don't worry about baby weight. Kirsten was about 7.6 pounds, Forrest was 9.4, and Ben was a healthy 8.3. The doctors were worred that Ben could be as much as 10 pounds - and I was terrified!

  2. Hahaha! "Terrified" is exactly the word. I do feel much better now, thank you!
